There are several wealthy Entrepreneurs, Artists and Scientists who make money from ideas. They have a reputation, memorable name and Loyal Consumers. Their products are proven to benefit society and they are continually looking for the next idea that will benefit society. Eventually competition might dominate the market or need for their product or service becomes nonexistent.
Business is tough and risky. Several Entrepreneurs, Artists and Scientists go through all the stages of success described in "Establishing a Reputation" and "Obligations of Success." Sometimes the success of idea extends to multiple generations, yet each generation is susceptible to losing their business.
After making money, it is obvious to invest in land, savings and methods of maintaining wealth. Wealth can be lost easily when barely starting to earn income. There are several laws formed to protect their interests, including, estate transfers.
There are obvious benefits to success. That is why everyone wants to be successful. Most people will attempt to become as successful they can be during a time in life. The widely appreciated ideas of modern time allow for Lesser Known Artists to get jobs, relationships and experience a cultural phenomenon that benefits everyone. However, television is threatened by internet. This threatens several jobs; ergo, there is a system that removes the old to bring in the new. Choices to adapt to changes in technology assists so everyone remains safe and happy. However, those with previously superior skills are no longer superior in the open markets.
There are several laws in relations to protecting the wealthy. Even now there is a huge audit of accounting systems to avoid overly burdening corporations. Unfortunately, many falsely believe corporations are indestructible. This research might save money for companies in the future, yet increasing operational costs and expenses in the form of taxes might bankrupt several companies. Companies that survive higher costs are also weaken and will not be able to afford future growth, higher payroll or investments in opportunities to remain consistent with competition in foreign markets.
Expensive government actions take money away from successful people. Their resources have limits.
Speaking of an honor system to establish rules of conduct and avoid unnecessary research on this issue, it might be nice to discuss a few concepts. There is a misconception about employment. People do not gain employment by befriending or talking to a Famous or Wealthy Person. Friendship is not employment. It is freedom of speech.
There is a downside to this. In "Obligations of Success," I discuss obligation to friends. While socializing, it is normal to talk about shared interests. Sometimes, we talk about ideas that eventually become tangible to a person creating a business idea. I agree or disagree, yet sometimes ideas are unique. Friendship or normal communication involves sharing information. Friends listen music, have a beer, get in petty fights and most conversations are inert in any functional form.
A new issue with the rise of technology and a misconception in the law has made restraining orders important. Yelling at someone does not constitute commerce or a money generating activity. Constant questioning or prying into people's lives for the motivation of making money on ideas is illegal employment. People are paid to contribute ideas in group studies; wherein, there is a profit motive to collect information from Individuals. Individuals receive compensation.
There is a difference between meeting with people a mutual interests to make a memorable video to establish name recognition and overexerting someone's time with endless questions. I imagine more laws are going to evolve to cope with these problems. Paparazzi are already limited in the news they are allowed to report. Rights to privacy are also protected. Paparazzi make money off of people. Some cities and states are allowing restraining orders without proof of stalking. Laws to remove Family Members from property are growing in popularity.
There is an issue around this because criticism is an even exchange. Criticism is also a protected right. Personal freedom is an important part of maintaining order in the United States. It is decided that critical review, someone expresses an opinion, advertises whoever or whatever receives criticism. Name recognition has a measurable value in generating income. Slander is also protected, as long as it is an honest observation about the person.
It might be possible higher earning media entities should give a nominal payment for one-time character rights. However, it would only apply to businesses earning money through an association to an Individual. There is no reason to sue someone over a he-said-she-said story. There are also protective right if any activity becomes illegal.
Copyright protections are also a huge issue. As mentioned in "Free Market or Information," internet piracy is became an issue for people who earned income with thoughts. The premise revolves around having everything free on sites. People do not have to pay for products. When it is all free it affects commerce and people's jobs.
I mention a creative solution by establishing a system so people are able to karaoke or imitate samples copyright holders release for promotion. If a law comes into existence then music companies will have to pay for large databases or hire several people to implement the change. It remains an unenforceable law; however, it becomes enforceable after a precedence is established through legal action. It is better to adjust to changes in laws through incremental purchases. Though an important idea, it does not really generate income.
Following Robert's Rules, remaining silent during a vote is agreeing with the majority vote. Not complying or resisting changes through legal action is the vote. Doing nothing sides with whomever agrees or disagrees with the idea. There are extraneous costs in relation to hiring Lawyers or developing a new database system.
It is tough to own a business. There was a man who evaluated the costs of businesses for supplies to promote the idea of do-it-yourself concepts. It is less expensive to cook dinner at home. It is less expensive to build a shed when you do all the labor yourself. The concept is important to those who want things they cannot afford to have someone else do for them. I want to buy cooked food and enjoy the luxury of just having the shed delivered.
Business is expensive. Small businesses have expenses. A large company has several Employees to pay, mortgages, utility bills and other additional expenses to stay in business. This includes a fund to protect against low sales and future events. They buy insurance. Insurance costs money.
While small businesses became larger businesses, the large businesses provide a sense of prosperity so small businesses appear less risky. It is an integrated cycle. Businesses provide jobs so Employees can save a couple dollars on food. Businesses make things we need to live well. It is important to have a healthy economy and the best way to do this is to ensure fairness in laws for everyone.
Sometimes fairness is specific to a lifestyle. That is why I have three articles for three varieties of legal issues effecting one type of job. Fairness implies different aspects though all benefit from the laws.
My vision of the future is better methods of maintaining and remaining ahead of cultural changes. It takes a long time for laws to pass. Sometimes a law is never enforced. With more people knowing they have been treated fairly, made or paid a fair amount with proof of a success equals a better method to oversee commerce between Artists and Inventors. Successful ideas are able to take a physical presence and then Artists and Inventors should experience a relational benefit in their personal lives.
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