Business Poli-Sci: Feminism in the USA

Monday, June 3, 2013

Feminism in the USA

Writing an article the other day "Things to Think About," it appears to correlate to Chime for Change. It is a charitable fundraiser for education, healthcare and betterment of women. Women gained the right to vote in 1920 with the Nineteenth Amendment. There were three campaigns to gain the rights of property ownership throughout the 1950s to 1970s in a political movement called ERA (Equal Rights Amendment). The amendment was not ratified and retired in 1982. Since then several mandates, such as: equal pay, equal treatment and equal rights to work have been ratified in legal cases.

Politics are a difficult to understand. The process of ratification is explained in Articles 5 through 7 of the United States Constitution. After an amendment to the constitution is unable to be ratified by the Legislator or in a public vote; it is ineligible for ratification for several years. The other option is to create popular amendments to win a favorable response through appeals to the Supreme Court.

There are governing laws that states must have consistency between the states, so Citizens live freely and comfortably regardless of where they live in the United States. This means a law made through federal courts in one state must be adopted in all states so there is consensus between all states.

In "Things to Think About," a Reader might infer encouragement to pursue art, as a girl, is sexist. It is not sexist; however, there were some sexist attitudes.

When I was a girl, as a person, studying and calculations were tedious. I never thought of engaging in arts and humanities as tedious. Thinking about it later, the amounts of concentration are excessive, yet I notice it less when drawing or doodling.

There were other girls in the same class who wanted to be Nurses, Medics or Engineers. They feel better when playing with numbers. Other Students could tell this form of activity is more pleasant, so Students begin envisioning a positive future for everyone according to activities and interests.

Perhaps I needed discipline to pursue math and science. However, discipline requires making people do something they do not enjoy. Later I needed discipline to succeed in life. It is important to be capable of multiple skills to become successful. I would rather make videos than review database requirements and lengthy statistics; however, I can. The task always feels like work.

Are children equal? Are boys treated like the girls? I think it depends on family. Parents have the right to raise their children how they feel will create a successful adult.

The stereotypical view is boys learn discipline. Boys are considered the jobholders; ergo, though several families encourage finding work in a fulfilling career, discipline is more important for men.

The stereotypical view is girls need skills for marriage and raising children. It is important for women to have personal fulfillment and feel good about life, yet it is more important for women to be good Mothers. It is also more important for women to find Husbands. Work is a secondary plan.

These are stereotypes and not relevant in all families. Disciplinary families teach discipline to all of their children. Holistic families encourage finding activities that make a person happy and approach new learning when it is functional. It is similar to the moralistic family that teaches morals and ethics to children so they will be safer when addressing new challenges in life.

This is where feminism becomes complicated. Do women want to be treated the same as men or be treated as equal contributors to society? Most women want respect for their contributions to society.

Is there a reason the standard system in addressing men and women is functional? There are realities about gender. Men would rather go to work, while women would rather stay home. Even in life most men feel empowered in large social arenas, while women feel threatened. Men contribute with actions, while women contribute in caution. Together men and women make successful business partners having both the active qualities of getting the work done and direction to avoid unnecessary complication. Most Business Professionals recommend making a business model before beginning work on a project because it reduces time in having to modify plans and redoing work.

Functionally, men and women working together is a worthwhile plan. Socially, if every man is married to a woman then the functional part of work can be performed at home. I believe the standard of finding compatibility in marriage is to assist in making a helpful relationship. What is the point of talking about work with a Wife who is not knowledgeable about their Husband's occupation?

This is the standard society would like everyone to adhere to as the successful model, yet the model is dysfunctional in reality. Anyone contributing to society should have incentive for performing work. In the other model women stay at home to still have home, health and food; however, divorce, abuse, child abuse and other factors make it impossible to gain status. A woman could consult her Husband for years and she does not have a viable reputation to apply to a resume. She would have to compensate loses through climbing regular professional ranks with a limited supply of alimony for several years. In addition, women are given custody of children.

Occasionally men receive custody of children. The most effective plan is finding another Wife to raise the children. They may also consult woman or men to find answers about caring for children. Another solution is to encourage children to become friends with other children of the same age. After only two slumber parties at their home, their children have endless rights to spend time with other children. The cost is acting happy, bags of chips, french fries and a several fruit drinks. Maybe other parents know about menstruation or organizing closets.

Considering this model disintegrates and reforms a few or several times in a normal person's life, it might be easier to make a new social model for marriage. This model sites individuals for work and accomplishment making people less dependent on each other, yet more functional in society.

I envision individuals taking care or themselves. Both men and women register ideas. Both parties are sited as contributors, when making contributions, even when they do not work at the same office. A hypothetical example is the Husband is working on a project. The Wife has ideas and registers these ideas in the computer. As a married couple she is cited for the contribution. Payment is waved so the Wife's intellectual property is retained with her. The Husband's company my purchase copyright.

There is an establishment of ownership through the entire relationship. Individuals work as individuals developing their life. Children assess obligation to parents by contributions in the form of developing them into adults and offering supplies to reach objectives.

Related Article
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Things to Think About

External Link
Chime for Change

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