Business Poli-Sci: Political Party Overview

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Political Party Overview

The political two party system in the United States is consistent. There are a couple of changes. The Republican and Democrat party were not established until more recently. Previously, the longest lasting party were the Wigs or Free Masons.

Every few generations, Citizens decide they need a new party to represent their needs. This party will meant to appeal to the masses with appealing methods of governing. Some are concerned that has not been a competitive party against Republicans and Democrats in the past century.

There are a few reasons for why new parties are not gaining mass appeal. One reason is the change in electing Vice President's. After the US Constitution was signed, any party could run in the primary. The Candidate with the most votes became President. The Candidate with the second most votes became Vice President.

A conflict of interest, attempts to make the vice presidency a larger part of politics, dismissed that policy. Now, a party runs a Presidential Candidate with a Running Mate. The Running Mate becomes Vice President.

People thought alternate parties would have more encouragement and more support. People fear ideas of what could happen if there are multiple parties in the United States. There are usually two major parties with several smaller parties. The smaller parties contribute to less than ten percent to the overall voting power of Citizens.

There is an unsettling time of change when one party gains support. With a sudden shift in power, three major parties do not thrive over the span of three consecutive presidential elections. However, the United States is a new country.

Paranoia revolves around maintaining balance between the Executive and Legislative Branches of Government. It is easier to have one party as President and elect the other party to be House Majority Leader. This way Politicians must meet to resolve issues.

There is also a concern that voting for anyone not representing a major party will lose. “Votes for a Candidate who represents a smaller party is like throwing away a vote.” The belief is viable Candidates only exist in the two major parties.

Knowing this, many people are unable to chose a party. Should they be Republican or Democrats?

To answer this, people have to know the difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans emphasize the economy. Originally, they won elections by questioning the logic behind ongoing issues. Appealing to many people, in recent years, Republicans agree economics give people the facilities and resources to become better people. A stable economy allows people to flourish. Everyone has a desire to be happy. Gain happiness through steady work and family. Family and Individuals create social change.

Democrats emphasize social change. Originally, they were supportive of the government giving assistance to people in need through welfare and reconstruction of the Deep South. Since that time, they became the party to create idealistic goals for the United States. These ideals include desegregation. Initially, they made connections between commerce and social activity. It took years to identify a connection between segregation and the bankruptcy of several small town company's. Now, changes through social justice and identifying social malice is normal. Democrats believe social change stabilizes the economy. Economy is side-effect of being happy through protection.

There are Liberals, Moderates and Conservatives in each party. Many believe Republicans and Democrats should be complete opposites. Liberals, Moderates and Conservatives are not the same. Both parties have a different approach to maintain a successful government.

Liberals, Moderates and Conservatives relate to their party's platform. Liberal Republicans focus on economic issues. They want massive changes in banking practices like Saving and Loan Creditors. The idea of loaning money to people was a huge issue a few years ago.

The mantra for Conservative Republicans is, “If it isn't broke, do no fix it.” It also takes a considerable amount of debating skill to prove anything is wrong. Street violence could be seen as people taking an active stance in protecting their families and neighborhoods.

Moderate Republicans tend to evaluate both ideals. They evaluate Saving and Loan Creditors. They evaluate if the old guard is failing. In both instances, while thinking of social benefits, the primary goal is to alter the economy to make positive growth.

This is similar to Democrats, yet it has a different orientation. Liberal Democrats want huge and invasive social change like resolving conflicts between Citizens be enforcing martial law. There is no expense to high to send Military overseas for political and charitable aid.

Conservative Democrats want to maintain social order. They want to keep welfare and preserve all social institutions. It is difficult to know when or if a previously beneficial idea is helps anyone in the United States besides giving people jobs with the government.

Moderates Democrats evaluate both sides of issues involving social change. Martial law is overly brutal. There are better means that do not inhibit personal freedoms. There are problems in government. The challenge is to be free from overly dogmatic neighbors.

The main contributor to both parties is flexibility. The democratic system make success relate to serving US Citizens. It is important to listen to people's concerns and work together to make successful laws. Not only will Candidates lose elections, whatever makes the United States unbearable personally affects them. US Politicians live in the United States and suffer with everyone when the economy or society suffers through consecutive failings.

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