Business Poli-Sci: What is Militancy?

Monday, June 11, 2012

What is Militancy?

The definition of militant is in association to military, "to serve as a solider." Additional definitions include "at war;" "ready to fight," and "vigorous support of a cause." Frequently in political banter additional words act as modifiers. Terrorism is a militant action to insight fear.

Rebels challenge Governmental Hierarchies through peaceful means like protests and derogatory demonstration to bring attention to the failings of Government. Rebels also challenge Government through militancy. There is the most common association to Rebels. While Rebels focus on Government, Militant Groups may enforce beliefs by attacking Civilians.

Gangs are simply a group of people of more than three people. The word gang does not imply warfare or rebellion. This assumption is in relation to news stories. While the dictionary adheres to popular usage political jargon remains static in identifying a gang as a group of people regardless of peaceful or militant demonstrations. Though Rebels and Gangs are not always militant crime is a growing concern in the United States.

Police, Governmental Military and Government Officials working for Agencies like the Federal Bureau of Investigations receive training and follow policies to capture Criminals or deescalate threatening circumstances. While given permission to investigate and enforce laws in militant mannerisms, the Second Amendment allows groups to carry weapons so they are also able to protect themselves from Government if Military actions are unjust or terrorize Citizens. The Forefathers identify a potential future; wherein, Regular People protect themselves from tyranny.

What does a Regular Citizen do with this information? It is already established that Special Interest Groups lose support from the Greater Population when violence and bombs are utilized to resolve political issues. The Pro-Life Organization had more open support before a Doctor was killed and an Abortion Clinic was blown-up. There are several people who openly support Pro-Life though the increasing trend is to believe abortion is wrong without supporting Pro-Life Organizations.

This is an important aspect of politics. New issues are brought to the General Public by Extremists. Extremists strongly believe an issue is either right or wrong and do not understand value in opposing viewpoints. After the issue becomes a public topic two extreme perspectives create controversy. After public debate and open communication Regular Citizens becomes moderate, meaning they find balance in accepting a portion of extreme viewpoint true. They also no longer agree violence is necessary in resolving topics since laws address violence and infringements on rights are punishable through fines or jail-time.

Militant Groups are forming in the United States. This scares people. In recent history the major militant forces are known as Ku Klux Klan, Skin Heads, Crips and Bloods; however, Government is taking action to suppress dangerous activities. Most became less militaristic. A growing concern is the rise of Local Militant Gangs attacking people they feel or think are causing problems. Similar to the "Stomp Out Bullying" campaigns People become Bullies because they violently defend themselves from potential billies or someone they perceive as a bully.

There are also People who are taking the National Viewpoint of desegregation to a violent level. While Nationalists, ergo not Rebels, their militant actions hinge on terrorism making their actions illegal.

What is the difference between Citizen's Arrest and Militancy? Citizen's Arrest involves minimum force to capture Criminals until actual Police make an arrest. Militancy performs operations against Regular Citizens in a tactical strategy to gain control in an attempt to make people conform to their beliefs or destroy enemies. Enemies are anyone disagreeing with their viewpoint.

It is fine to argue and maintain beliefs; however, it is wrong to enforce personal beliefs through force. Skin Heads were a problem for a long time, yet whenever they have committed crimes of violence or terrorism they are punished. It is not the responsibility of Citizens to enforce laws or rehabilitate Citizens with aggressive force.

Though a Nationalist myself it is important to acknowledge that I do not have the authority to enforce laws. There is a greater obligation to the Declaration of Independence. We are entitled to inalienable rights that include "the right to pursue happiness." In the Constitution all Citizens of the United States are entitled to "equal opportunity" and "rights to own property." (Understand the difference between the Declaration of Independence and Constitution is another widespread misunderstanding of the law.)

Regardless of semantics, a Person expresses concerns verbally and through peaceful rebellion. When breaking major laws through militant force Government Officials enforce existing laws. When realizing People with an Opposing Viewpoint consider alternatives to thoroughly assess issues to decide beliefs are ethical and enable them to live a productive life by pursuing opportunities and ownership of land decisions for violent action escalate issues to local acts of warfare. Even when acting in self-defensive or according to government agenda people should not die for causes or live with the threat of war in their neighborhood.

The Nazi Party is an examples of government making bad decisions. It took people of many nations to realize committing genocide and enforcing utilitarianism does not resolve issues. Genocide only created Enemies amongst Those who Fear for Their Lives. They knew if Hitler was successful they would die. This death was not in relation to personal beliefs or actions. Utilitarianism is similar in lacking a relationship between actions and punishments, because it exploits Victims if the action gains support from the Masses.

At first Nazis killed Criminals to gain support. Regardless of the crime Criminals died. People felt safe; however, they also felt threatened. This encourages an urgency to cover mistakes and blame other people for criminal activity to protect themselves. Nazis always had to find another Victim to gain support when support from the Masses shifts. There are signs the next group to blame were the Christians. At the end of the war several Christian Stores had bricks thrown through windows. Perhaps Christians harbored Jews, yet this could become a reason to find Christians were the internal threat that weakened the war effort.

In addition to threatening people and covering blame, while the Masses unite under hostility against other people eventually People spend more time protecting themselves. Productivity becomes self-preservation. Productivity becomes a lesser influence, yet productivity is not everything. We are not Slaves with a lesser value of producing goods for everyone else.

Regardless of the Special Interest Group, morality or compliance with Government Agendas, militant action is faulty. Dookie is notorious for getting People to talk about the separately growing Afro-American Society. Most People were fine. These separations of race and national origin were known as boroughs. People created their own society within the nation. Media support reveals many Citizens across the United States share a similar Extremist Viewpoint.

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