Business Poli-Sci: At Home Humanitarianism

Thursday, May 5, 2016

At Home Humanitarianism

There are companies and corporations that believe Right-to-Work states do not regulate fair wages, benefits and human rights for employees. Employees are protected by state and city law enforcement. Unions are not considered a primary method of protection. Whether from a Right-to-Work or Union State, it is important to practice standard legal methods of protecting rights to ensure businesses do not disregard human rights.

Rights are important to all citizens. While charitable funding appears to take place overseas, it is important to participate in governing personal lives to ensure United State Citizens do not rely on charity. Otherwise, we are subject to inhumane treatment.

The United States has the Bill of Rights. There is an automatic legal document platform to regulate freedoms. Citizens have the right to equal opportunity when pursuing the ability to own land. This implies fair contracts between work and compensation. There are also rights to privacy, rights to religion and rights to free speech. A person does not have to implicate themselves. If other proof verifies rights are suppressed, debates between individuals establishes boundaries to discuss beliefs.

Discrimination is determined when a company or corporation enforces discriminatory policies, refuses to hire, promotes, discharges, demotes or terminates employees who are in a protected class. It is also discrimination to demote or terminate an employee for seeking legal action or reporting discrimination. The protected classes are defined as race, color, religion, sex, old age, nation of origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and pregnancy related conditions. This is defined on the website for the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Discrimination occurs when specific employees are treated differently then other employees. If it is standard to excuse days off for illness, all employees are excused for sick days. Employees should not have to make requests when it is a standard practice.

There are methods to avoid accusations of hiring or promoting friends and family. Hiring or firing because of personality conflicts and favoritism of friends are not considered illegal discrimination. The common link of why someone is treated better or worse is allusive.

States, counties and cities may enforce employment laws that do no go against the United States Constitution. Reference state, county and city websites to identify specific laws and file complaints against employers. Keywords, include: discrimination, workplace, job and gov.

All states have standardized limitations on hours worked in a week or day. Time for rest, days off and national holidays are regulated. Terms of what is considered fair treatment and livable work conditions are regulated.

Several states made laws to protect online personalities. Even if a state does not have a specific law identifying them as a protected class, most content applies to a protected classes. Openly talking about sexual orientation or beliefs is protected as gender and beliefs are part of religion.

Smoking corresponds to religious, moral and political beliefs. There are limitations an employer can enforce on employees at work. Smoking is legal and several religions do not express opinions about smoking. Even if a religion states it is not alright, personal beliefs are a part of religion.

Agnosticism and Atheism are obvious religions. It is important to not abuse ambiguous religious beliefs when filing a complaint. Policies protect all employees or to enforce laws so everyone has personal freedom. If a religion belief in harming, harassing or condemning other people, it is a questionable belief that affects individual right to make personal decisions.

Personal decisions are the foundation of all laws. It is important create boundaries so more people are able to pursue opportunities and land ownership according to personal beliefs. Businesses are able to enforce company and corporate policies in attempts to satisfy these requirements. An example is prohibiting gossip or political conversation at work.

Racism is difficult to report. Most businesses are aware of racial discrimination. They are not likely to express racism directly. There is a tendency to promote someone because of race to remove suspicion of discrimination towards other employees of the same race. Racism might be phrased in assumptions. A manager or coworker implies behaviors or consequences that are not valid. I am not angry when sitting at my desk and thinking about when my shift ends. Assuming this could relate to race.

Derogatory or assumptive comments is reason to believe there is an issue. It is only discrimination when it becomes a reason to refuse promotion, demote or terminate employment. It is difficult knowing there are reasons to report discrimination. Reporting discrimination frequently devalues testimony. Not reporting discrimination allows it to continue without investigation.

Humanitarianism focuses on fair treatment of people. Regardless of employment or homelessness, everyone has rights to not be overworked or harassed. Countries have begun militaristic actions against employees. I believe, this is caused by severe behaviors. Remaining over rational leads to fierce retaliation. Violent retaliation supports ideals of forcing employees into oppression. Reporting issue and taking an assertive stance, prevents a dismantling of human rights.

The issue of personal responsibility implies responsibility for decisions. If a job is volunteer, work them or stop working them. The contract for work does not include pay. Agreements and contracts are important. If an employer is not offering enough in compensation, do not work for them. Use available time to apply for work with another company offering compensation. The free-market rewards and inhibits businesses through the actions of individuals assigning value to their service.

Businesses want to breakeven; however, there is a point wherein overtime and harassment is caustic. The proper method to address these issues is by following policies to report discrimination within the company or corporation. If the result is inadequate, file a anti-harassment claim with the appropriate government office. It is possible to go to city and state officials when a union fails to protect or promote personal rights. The government will investigate and provide research to verify proof of discrimination when complaints are valid.

Do not suffer or allow suffering. There is no need to organize violent actions against a company or corporation. Though violent protests appear to be effective, there is a fierce after effect of subjugating employees. They will reference previous activities to enforce strict policies. Always take the proper action and go to the proper authorities. Be responsible for personal decisions. Though causing a disturbance, resistance is a meaningful activity protecting the free-market.

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