Business Poli-Sci: Questionable National Holiday

Monday, March 17, 2014

Questionable National Holiday

Saint Patrick's Day has the usual religious elements in relation to Sainthood. In the United States, it is a debatable holiday. It was accepted as a national holiday. Every few years, there is review to decide if it should be a national holiday. To understand why there is so much debate, everyone should know the story of Saint Patrick.

Many people in the United States do not know about Saints. Most believe Saint Patrick helped reduce the snake population in Ireland. Ireland became livable.

Saint Patrick was born in Kilpatrick, Scotland on 387AD. As a Teen, Patrick was sold as a Slave to a Druid Chieftain. He was a Slave for six years. Leaning to speak the Druid Languages, there was a language barrier between England, Scotland and Ireland. The Irish were primarily Druids and Celts.

After escaping, Patrick became an avid Catholic. He attended seminary and became a Minister. Even though he escaped slavery and most agreed a return to Ireland would be awful, he dreamed about a return to Ireland as a Freeman who espoused the Word of God.

One day, he was allowed to return to Ireland on a Mission. He would pay the price of his freedom to his Former Slave Master as a gesture of an acknowledged debt and respect.

They docked near the town he was held captive. People recognized him. He attempted to speak to them in Druid. They did not believe him. He was accompanied by several Clergy. Guilt lead to several houses burning. They took valuables and burned home as though it was a war. There is even a potential quote or remark, "I will burn my home before a Slave overtakes me in battle."

After the many subsequent events, many of the Druids began to learn prayers and praises to God. They believed Patrick's magic was powerful. Catholicism was more understandable. Patrick was fluent in their language. He spent the rest of his life converting Druids. Druidism was considered Paganism.

There is a clear pathway between events to signify that this was an act of God. He was taken to a place to learn the language. His family were religious. He became a Man of the Cloth. These are factors important to converting people away from their past religions.

While Saint Patrick is the Saint of Scotland and Ireland, should this holiday be a national holiday in the United States? There are ideals supporting the national agenda and ideals against the United States Constitution. What is more important?

The idea of a Former Slave acquiring power to overthrow their Oppressor is a great story. It blends in with stories of the Revolutionary War and several stories with a similar theme, including, slavery.

There is a conflict with the Constitutional right to Freedom of Religion. Freedom of Religion is the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights. It states Government will not protect or abridge religion. (The Government will remain neutral in all events involving religion.) Everyone could celebrate the life of Saint Patrick, who was Working-Class, became a Slave and then became a Priest. The main point of the story is God working with people to dismiss, undermine, reduce and abridge Non-christian religions.

Comprehensively, the laws are designed so Citizens have an amount of leeway to practice their religions. Christianity is a large religion in the United States. Most Citizens are challenged to understand principles of Christianity far more than any other singular religion. There is probably nothing wrong with celebrating Saint Patrick's Day. Should it be exalted?

I purpose George Washington Carver's Day would be a great holiday. It could be called Carver's Day or Plastic Day. It has many similarities to Saint Patrick's Day without religious overtones.

Carver was a Freeman in Missouri until slavery became legal his family was sold and their land taken. Slavery was abolished in the United States. The people who owned him adopted him. He became a part of their family and became the Inventor of Plastic. The abolition of slavery made it possible for individuals with intelligence or other abilities to make great contributions to everyone in the world.

It is an incredible story. It is possible to infer God worked through Carver to make society better. Religion is not essential to the story. In addition, Carver is a National Hero from the United States.

Quirky Books
Carver by Marilyn Nelson